Design News
Details are the design
Jason of 37 Signals on "The details are not the details. They make the design."
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List of CSS Galleries
Overview of css-galleries you can explore inspiration from.
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CSS-Based Tables: Modern Solutions
Over 30 modern css-based techniques in a brief overview.
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Where can I find textures and background images?
Selection of some useful resources related to textures and background images.
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2006 artypapers Awards
Artypapers has again captured the best of last year(2006) in a one page awards site
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Centering an image, Part 1
Bite Size Standards: There are two techniques for placing an image within a block level element
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RSS Will Not Make the Mainstream
Wisdump on the prediction of RSS not making the mainstream in '07
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Easy cross-browser transparency
Create image or layer transparencies easier by using only CSS
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